Apologies for not posting recently, I have been busy with the holidays and such. Nothing too crazy, mainly friends are back in town and I have been meeting up with them most nights after work to get a drink and catch up. Dave and I played a game of Space Marine Exterminatus on Wednesday in lieu of getting together for some wargaming this week (both have been busy). As life returns to normal, I’m hoping we can get a game of something in next Tuesday, anything (Dreadfleet, AoBR, or WHFB) would be good as far as I’m concerned.
Anyways, this post is about resolutions and as we all know the New Year is almost here. Now, I normally don’t make any New Year’s resolutions, however, I thought it might be fun (and motivating) to make a few regarding the hobby and wargaming. So here it goes, my hobby/wargaming resolutions for 2012.
Paint more models than I buy!
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Found this at Constantly Risking Obscurity |
Finish my Dark Elves!
So when I say finished I guess I mean to a level that I am happy with. For example, I am contemplating not painting any of my metal Blackguard or Executioners. If anything, they will be finished last. There are rumors (only rumors) floating around that they might be getting plastic kits. If this is the case, I will consider selling off my metal ones and picking up plastic kits as I go. I know some people love metal models so I’m sure I’d be able to eBay them without much trouble, might take a loss, but whatever plastic is king (in my mind). All that said, getting the main bulk of my Dark Elf army finished this year would be great (based and everything) and not that hard to achieve (most of it is painted already).
Develop the blog!
I’d like to expand the content on the blog even more, basically create some useful articles that could be a resource to readers. Ideally, we would have articles about strategy, hobby tips, and product reviews. I find when reading other blogs these are of the most interest to me. I’d also like to figure out Battle Chronicler so that I could do some detailed battle reports. I have read some amazing battle reports using that software and I’d like to achieve something at the same level.
Finally, it would be nice to get some outside authors from the FM wargaming community to write articles for the blog. I’m not sure how to make that happen, would be nice to incentivize it in some way (maybe some kind of best submitted article prize at the end of the year). I guess we just need to keep building the content and trying to spread the word locally.
Play more 40k!
I think I’m in love with 40k, at least from what I have experienced and read so far. With 6th edition looming I was on the fence about how much I want to learn the system and invest in an army that could potentially be broken by the new rule set. All that changed when I started to put together my theme based IG list. It will be something based on the Army Rangers, highly mobile infantry all with transports, mainly by air. So I will be building an army, but have resolved to do it slowly at first. In the meantime, I’d like to meet up with some of the local 40K players (especially the guys with Imperial Guard) to get some experience. This one might be hard to accomplish, even with an army my schedule doesn’t always afford me a lot of play time down at the FLGS. Time will tell, there is always AoBR with Dave.
Paint Dreadfleet (and play)!
I haven’t even played a game yet! There will be no Dreadfleet played in 2011, but I think I can find time in 2012. I’d like to paint the box up this year. I might try to enlist Dave in this task, I offered the honor of painting the Dwarf Ironclad up and I think he was interested. Only seems right, as he is knowledgeable in Dwarf things. While he is at that, maybe I can try and talk him into painting some other ships or some of the terrain, I may have to resort to blackmail though. All this, however, will have to wait until I can get outside to prime, the weather just isn’t good enough (even though it has been awesome by North Dakota standards) and I don’t have a suitable indoor area for it.
Invest in an Airbrush (and learn to use it)!
I want one, I think it will make painting a lot more fun especially if I’m going to paint a bunch of IG vehicles in the future. Like all things, I will do my research first and make sure I’m getting the best one for my purposes. I’ll also have to save up for this one, they are not cheap.
Invest in a better work area and miniature storage!
This will be the last one on my list. Right now I paint at my computer desk, before that, I painted at my coffee table. I’d like to get a dedicated workstation separate from my computer desk. I also need to find a better way to store my miniatures. I’m not really looking at buying a bunch of foam for them to sit in when not in use, but would like something a bit different then what I do now. I think I might buy a cabinet with closing doors and shelves. The doors would hopefully keep a good deal of dust out and I could store them somewhere easily assessable, but not out in the open (it just looks too cluttered to have them always on display on a book shelf) when not being used.
I think that’s a pretty good list for New Year’s Resolutions. Best to make it small and avoid setting myself up for failure (example: no way in hell my High Elf army is getting painted anytime soon). If I can accomplish this stuff in a year I think the hobby will be going strong into 2013, that is, if the world doesn’t end before then.
Oh, for some last bit of news, I just picked up an Imperial Guard Chimera and a Predator turret. My intention is to do a bit of a conversion and swap out the turrets to make the Chimera look a bit more like a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, something I saw on another blog. I’ll post some pics, and do a write up of what I would like to accomplish, along with a tribute to the IG army that inspired me. If this conversion goes well, it will set the stage for putting the whole thing together.
See you in 2012!
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