What to write? What to write?
I feel the need to write some meaningful, something lengthy. I want this first post to be something that people will look back on and say: “This is where he setup the foundation for this truly epic blog about wargaming, surely anyone in the future who blogs about wargaming, or anything for that matter, will have to take note of this masterful wordcraft” or something like that.
Unfortunately, I have yet to develop the skills of a master blogger, let alone a master wordcrafter, or wordsmith if you like. The concept of blogging, while not unknown to me, has been something I have had little practice with. Blogging has always been something I have heard the hipster kids were up to, but I never participated in myself. This is not unlike my experience with wargaming. I do fondly remember going to the local hobby store and looking at all the cool miniatures that were there. My friend and soon to be co-blogger’s dad had complete battalions (yes BATTALIONS) of World War II and modern army miniatures that we used to look at (and carelessly play with) for hours/days. I was aware wargaming existed, but I never participated. I always said it was something I would love to start, but never did, being a poor kid/college student it was the cost.
Fast forward several years to a spring evening a little over a year ago. My friend had just picked up the Battle for Skull Pass box set (or got it as a gift, I forget) and was begging me to give it a try. I’ll be honest; I blew him off a couple times. It sounded kind of tedious and I usually detested playing competitively in games, especially one vs. one (seriously, I hated it, but that is a subject for another post). Eventually, I relented and he came over to my place for a game. So there it was, a bunch of tiny plastic army men (Dwarfs and Goblins to be exact) sitting on my glossy dining room table, all ranked up, in full glory, ready to deal pretend death to their enemy.
I think the first game I was Dwarfs (can’t remember, seriously I could be making this up), I hated it and I lost badly. The second game we played I used the Goblins from the set. This game was fun and I managed to win it (well I think we technically came to a draw, but I killed more units, and since at the time, we could not be bothered to look up the victory conditions, I considered it a decisive victory). At any rate, the Goblins really pulled through for me and shortly after, I was looking through the materials in the box set saying “Man, so many armies, so many cool units! It would be so cool to build your own and be the general!”
Box of Crack |
I respect my friend, he is a moral compass and typically someone who you could use as a guiding principle for making life decisions, however, I have now come to the conclusion that he is a nerd-crack dealer and I’m just a junky. What is it they say, the first one is free the next one is full price? Or, give away the razor and sell them the blades? Who knew Games Workshop was creating a little drug cartel, providing box sets to kids to run around and hook their friends on this junk? Someone should tell the DEA.
Being a semi-adult type person, I possess a full-time job. Cost was no longer a huge factor for me (cost be damned! I am hooked!) so I ordered up an army of Dark Elves and thus began the journey that has led to this strange place, the blogosphere (seriously, do they still call it that? Word seems to think it is, let’s roll with it). I have been developing my wargaming hobby interests since that first game and this blog seems to be a natural progression of that. I hope, in time, the content on this blog will grow along with my abilities, so that I can truly say, I have reached the level of apprentice wordsmith.
I’ll write about the ideas behind this blog in my next post, thanks for reading!