Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I finally managed to find the GaleForce 9 Battlefield in a Box Large Pine Wood on eBay for a reasonable price so I picked one up. It’s a long story, but I had attempted to purchase this a couple of months back, from at least four different vendors, and each time, the order would go through only to be cancelled because the item was actually out of stock.

Anyways, once it arrives it will replace at least one of our “cutout” construction paper woods. The Battlefield in the Box terrain really appeals to me because it’s cheap and requires no painting or assembly. I am contemplating further purchases of the line, perhaps another woods and the Elf Tower, but we will see how this one looks first and if there are any more in stock.

With all that being said, man I have spent a lot of money on the hobby this month, but all is good, this one was budgeted for (even if my last splurge wasn’t) and it will be nice to have a proper woods terrain for my gaming table. If I find time, I’ll do a write up on it after it arrives.

Tonight, Dave is coming over for another 3000 point battle. I’ll be playing my DE for more experience. My list is pretty much what you saw in that battle report he did with just a couple surprises (need to keep him on his toes). Should be a lot of fun and we will be sure to post something about it soon.

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