So as Dave had mentioned, I had the Plague last week. It was terrible, probably the worst I have ever felt and just short of giving myself over to Nurgle my fever broke and I started to feel better on Friday. Anyways, while I was lying on my couch (which is really just a futon that could just as well be a pile of bricks, comfort wise) I had some time to agonize over 40k.
Enough said! |
I have been going back and forth. First it was whether I should start 40k or not (I got AoBR, problem solved). Then it progressed to what army I should play: Space Marines or Imperial Guard (I have both books). Finally it has boiled down to what Imperial Guard list to play: Mech or Air Cav. I know I posted my Air Cav list (I also know there is an error in it), but for a while I thought Mech would be better (Probably would be more forgiving for a noob). Having run through every angle and studied a bunch of lists I am now I’m pretty much sold on Air Cav regardless of ease of play or what’s best.
I love the smell of plastic in the morning! |
I put together two lists with the same basic Air Cav theme and similar to my last post. The first list is a pretty bare-bones, put as many boots and gunships on/in the ground/air as possible. The second list is a bit more of a “fluff” list with the inclusion of a Master of Ordinance to call in off-board “support”.
List A:
Company Command Squad
Plasma Pistol for the Commander
X4 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Valkaries Squad (2 valkaries)
Each with MLRP
Heavy Bolters Sponsons
Heavy Bolter Sponsons
List B:
Company Command Squad
Plasma Pistol for the Commander
X3 meltas
Carapace Armor
Medic Pack
Krak Grenades (Not sure what else to do with 5 points)
Master of Ordinance
Chimera, Turreted Heavy Bolter, Hull Mounted Flamer
Veteran Squad
X3 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Heavy Bolters Sponsons
Heavy Bolter Sponsons
So there you have it. I think List A would be, everything in reserve coming on after the first turn and then picking targets. List B would probably have the CCS and Chimera deployed near the home objective or behind cover in the first turn and “calling” for the Air Cav in the following turns. I know the Master of Ordinance would need to get out of the transport to do his thing so I couldn’t just sit in the tin can, but again, part of the “fluff” of the list. Both are probably not very competitive lists, but I think they would be a lot of fun and have room for expansion (I could easily get enough models to run both).
Company Command Squad
Plasma Pistol for the Commander
X4 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Valkaries Squad (2 valkaries)
Each with MLRP
Heavy Bolters Sponsons
Heavy Bolter Sponsons
List B:
Company Command Squad
Plasma Pistol for the Commander
X3 meltas
Carapace Armor
Medic Pack
Krak Grenades (Not sure what else to do with 5 points)
Master of Ordinance
Chimera, Turreted Heavy Bolter, Hull Mounted Flamer
Veteran Squad
X3 meltas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Veteran Squad
X3 plasmas
Heavy Bolters Sponsons
Heavy Bolter Sponsons
So there you have it. I think List A would be, everything in reserve coming on after the first turn and then picking targets. List B would probably have the CCS and Chimera deployed near the home objective or behind cover in the first turn and “calling” for the Air Cav in the following turns. I know the Master of Ordinance would need to get out of the transport to do his thing so I couldn’t just sit in the tin can, but again, part of the “fluff” of the list. Both are probably not very competitive lists, but I think they would be a lot of fun and have room for expansion (I could easily get enough models to run both).
Kinda like that... |
As for possible changes, in list A I might consider putting the vendetta’s in a squadron and splitting up the Valkyries. As for List B, I may change things around to ditch the Master of Ordinance (and all the other junk on the command squad) and take a Primaris Psyker to make it more competitive, but we will see how things go. Only other thing I might change to List B is swapping the CCS meltas out for the Plasmas on one of the Veteran Squads.
Tonight, I’m going to try and finish my Christmas shopping. God, I dread the thought of fighting off the crowds at the local Mall and other stores in town. You think it wouldn’t be a big deal around Fargo, North Dakota, but I will tell you this: everyone here sucks at driving to begin with, add in the fact that they are all hopped up on coffee, thoughts of scoring the best gifts, and enough Yuletide cheer to kill a Reindeer and you get a recipe for Carmageddon! We will see how this all shakes out. If I survive, life, limb, and wallet, I will probably order some Valkyries.
Are those 2000 points lists? It seems like there's hardly anything in them.